John Carter of Mars Movie News from Jim Hill Media.
Read the whole thing here - Jim Hill Media
But here's the juicey stuff -" suggest that what Andrew Stanton supposedly told the staff at Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. back in October of last year is true. That Disney / Pixar definitely is gearing up to do a trilogy of films based on the "John Carter of Mars" books.
According to what Mouse House insiders recently told me, Mark Andrews (i.e. the Oscar-nominated screenwriter of "Ratatouille") has allegedly already completed a first pass on a screenplay for the first film in the proposed "Mars" series. And given that both Pixar and Disney execs have reportedly responded very enthusiastically to Andrews' script ... Well, both companies are now anxious to put this project in the development pipeline ASAP.
"So what sort of timetable are we talking about here?," you ask. Well, really serious work on the first "Mars" movie can't get underway 'til this Fall. Which is when Stanton will finally be through with all of his "WALL * E" -related promotional obligations (i.e. First Andrew has to spend several weeks this spring helping to promote the domestic & international release of Pixar's latest. Then -- after a short break -- Stanton has to jump right back in and begin promoting the DVD version of "WALL * E").
But all of this actual selling-of-"WALL-*-E" work is completed ... Andrew is then expected to sit down with Mark & Jim Morris (i.e. A Lucasfilm Digital vet who made the jump to Pixar back in 2005. He's reportedly been tapped to be the producer on the "Mars" project) and map out a battle plan for "John Carter of Mars." Which is now tentatively slated to be release in 2012 ... or possibly earlier."
Artwork - John Carter of Mars, for a hard cover edition called Under the Moons of Mars, the title before it was A Princess of Mars.
Continues at Jim Hill Media